If you are interested in wearing contact lenses you will require an additional testing in addition to your comprehensive eye exam.  The doctor will perform specialized testing to evaluate your vision for contacts. They will measure your eye surface to determine what size and type of contacts will best fit you.

Using the results of those tests your eye doctor will be able to provide a contact lens prescription that is the right fit for you.  Your contact lenses will sit directly on the surface of the eye and this prescription can and might be different from your eyeglasses prescription.  Proper fitting of your contact lenses is imperative for the health of your eyes.

There are many brands and types of lenses we specialize in including multi-focal lenses, monovision lenses and colored lenses.  There are many modalities of wear for lenses including daily wear, bi-weekly lenses and monthly lenses.

The doctor will fit you with a trial pair of lenses and have you wear them while scheduling a follow up appointment to check the health of your eye and the prescription.

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